Source code for aiida.manage.configuration

# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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# ruff: noqa: E402
"""Modules related to the configuration of an AiiDA instance."""

from __future__ import annotations

# fmt: off
from .migrations import *
from .options import *
from .profile import *

__all__ = (

# fmt: on


__all__ += (

import os
import warnings
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Optional

from aiida.common.warnings import AiidaDeprecationWarning

    from aiida.orm import User

    from .config import Config

# global variables for aiida
CONFIG: Optional['Config'] = None

[docs] def get_config_path(): """Returns path to .aiida configuration directory.""" from .settings import AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME return os.path.join(AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_NAME)
[docs] def load_config(create=False) -> 'Config': """Instantiate Config object representing an AiiDA configuration file. Warning: Contrary to :func:`~aiida.manage.configuration.get_config`, this function is uncached and will always create a new Config object. You may want to call :func:`~aiida.manage.configuration.get_config` instead. :param create: if True, will create the configuration file if it does not already exist :type create: bool :return: the config :rtype: :class:`~aiida.manage.configuration.config.Config` :raises aiida.common.MissingConfigurationError: if the configuration file could not be found and create=False """ from aiida.common import exceptions from .config import Config filepath = get_config_path() if not os.path.isfile(filepath) and not create: raise exceptions.MissingConfigurationError(f'configuration file {filepath} does not exist') try: config = Config.from_file(filepath) except ValueError as exc: raise exceptions.ConfigurationError(f'configuration file {filepath} contains invalid JSON') from exc _merge_deprecated_cache_yaml(config, filepath) return config
[docs] def _merge_deprecated_cache_yaml(config, filepath): """Merge the deprecated cache_config.yml into the config.""" cache_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filepath), 'cache_config.yml') if not os.path.exists(cache_path): return # Imports are here to avoid them when not needed import shutil import yaml from aiida.common import timezone cache_path_backup = None # Keep generating a new backup filename based on the current time until it does not exist while not cache_path_backup or os.path.isfile(cache_path_backup): cache_path_backup = f"{cache_path}.{'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.%f')}" warnings.warn( 'cache_config.yml use is deprecated and support will be removed in `v3.0`. Merging into config.json and ' f'moving to: {cache_path_backup}', AiidaDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) with open(cache_path, 'r', encoding='utf8') as handle: cache_config = yaml.safe_load(handle) for profile_name, data in cache_config.items(): if profile_name not in config.profile_names: warnings.warn(f"Profile '{profile_name}' from cache_config.yml not in config.json, skipping", UserWarning) continue for key, option_name in [ ('default', 'caching.default_enabled'), ('enabled', 'caching.enabled_for'), ('disabled', 'caching.disabled_for'), ]: if key in data: value = data[key] # in case of empty key value = [] if value is None and key != 'default' else value config.set_option(option_name, value, scope=profile_name) shutil.move(cache_path, cache_path_backup)
[docs] def load_profile(profile: Optional[str] = None, allow_switch=False) -> 'Profile': """Load a global profile, unloading any previously loaded profile. .. note:: if a profile is already loaded and no explicit profile is specified, nothing will be done :param profile: the name of the profile to load, by default will use the one marked as default in the config :param allow_switch: if True, will allow switching to a different profile when storage is already loaded :return: the loaded `Profile` instance :raises `aiida.common.exceptions.InvalidOperation`: if another profile has already been loaded and allow_switch is False """ from aiida.manage import get_manager return get_manager().load_profile(profile, allow_switch)
[docs] def get_profile() -> Optional['Profile']: """Return the currently loaded profile. :return: the globally loaded `Profile` instance or `None` """ from aiida.manage import get_manager return get_manager().get_profile()
[docs] @contextmanager def profile_context(profile: 'Profile' | str | None = None, allow_switch=False) -> 'Profile': """Return a context manager for temporarily loading a profile, and unloading on exit. :param profile: the name of the profile to load, by default will use the one marked as default in the config :param allow_switch: if True, will allow switching to a different profile :return: a context manager for temporarily loading a profile """ from aiida.manage import get_manager manager = get_manager() current_profile = manager.get_profile() yield manager.load_profile(profile, allow_switch) if current_profile is None: manager.unload_profile() else: manager.load_profile(current_profile, allow_switch=True)
[docs] def create_default_user( profile: Profile, email: str, first_name: Optional[str] = None, last_name: Optional[str] = None, institution: Optional[str] = None, ) -> User: """Create a default user for the given profile. If the profile's storage is read only, a random existing user will be queried and set as default. Otherwise a new user is created with the provided details and set as user. :param profile: The profile to create the user in. :param email: Email for the default user. :param first_name: First name for the default user. :param last_name: Last name for the default user. :param institution: Institution for the default user. :returns: The user that was set as the default user. """ from aiida.manage import get_manager from aiida.orm import User with profile_context(profile, allow_switch=True): manager = get_manager() storage = manager.get_profile_storage() if storage.read_only: # Check if the storage contains any users, and just set a random one as default user. user = User.collection.query().first(flat=True) else: # Otherwise create a user and store it user = User(email=email, first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, institution=institution).store() # The user can be ``None`` if the storage is read-only and doesn't contain any users. This shouldn't happen in # real situations, but this safe guard is added to be safe. if user: manager.set_default_user_email(profile, return user
[docs] def create_profile( config: 'Config', *, storage_backend: str, storage_config: dict[str, Any], broker_backend: str | None = None, broker_config: dict[str, Any] | None = None, name: str, email: str, first_name: Optional[str] = None, last_name: Optional[str] = None, institution: Optional[str] = None, is_test_profile: bool = False, ) -> Profile: """Create a new profile, initialise its storage and create a default user. :param config: The config instance. :param name: Name of the profile. :param email: Email for the default user. :param first_name: First name for the default user. :param last_name: Last name for the default user. :param institution: Institution for the default user. :param create_user: If `True`, creates a user that is set as the default user. :param storage_backend: The entry point to the :class:`aiida.orm.implementation.storage_backend.StorageBackend` implementation to use for the storage. :param storage_config: The configuration necessary to initialise and connect to the storage backend. :param broker_backend: The entry point to the :class:`aiida.brokers.Broker` implementation to use for the broker. :param broker_config: The configuration necessary to initialise and connect to the broker. """ profile: Profile = config.create_profile( name=name, storage_backend=storage_backend, storage_config=storage_config, broker_backend=broker_backend, broker_config=broker_config, is_test_profile=is_test_profile, ) create_default_user(profile, email, first_name, last_name, institution) return profile
[docs] def reset_config(): """Reset the globally loaded config. .. warning:: This is experimental functionality and should for now be used only internally. If the reset is unclean weird unknown side-effects may occur that end up corrupting or destroying data. """ global CONFIG # noqa: PLW0603 CONFIG = None
[docs] def get_config(create=False): """Return the current configuration. If the configuration has not been loaded yet * the configuration is loaded using ``load_config`` * the global `CONFIG` variable is set * the configuration object is returned Note: This function will except if no configuration file can be found. Only call this function, if you need information from the configuration file. :param create: if True, will create the configuration file if it does not already exist :type create: bool :return: the config :rtype: :class:`~aiida.manage.configuration.config.Config` :raises aiida.common.ConfigurationError: if the configuration file could not be found, read or deserialized """ global CONFIG # noqa: PLW0603 if not CONFIG: CONFIG = load_config(create=create) if CONFIG.get_option('warnings.showdeprecations'): # If the user does not want to get AiiDA deprecation warnings, we disable them - this can be achieved with:: # verdi config warnings.showdeprecations False # Note that the AiidaDeprecationWarning does NOT inherit from DeprecationWarning warnings.simplefilter('default', AiidaDeprecationWarning) # This should default to 'once', i.e. once per different message else: warnings.simplefilter('ignore', AiidaDeprecationWarning) return CONFIG
[docs] def get_config_option(option_name: str) -> Any: """Return the value of a configuration option. In order of priority, the option is returned from: 1. The current profile, if loaded and the option specified 2. The current configuration, if loaded and the option specified 3. The default value for the option :param option_name: the name of the option to return :return: the value of the option :raises `aiida.common.exceptions.ConfigurationError`: if the option is not found """ from aiida.manage import get_manager return get_manager().get_option(option_name)